Palmyra tree has been growing for over hundreds of thousands of years and grows in over 27 different countries worldwide and across 4 different continents – America, Africa, East Asia and Australia – however, the nectar it gives and, most importantly the health benefits of this nectar, is vastly different depending on where in the world it is extracted and also how.
Shortly after the conclusion of the civil war in Sri Lanka, I was asked by the Sri Lankan Commissioner to attend a meeting at Sri Lankan Commission in London with a representative of Sri Lankan government responsible for the agriculture to see if there was a possibility of us using Sri Lankan Palmyra. The reason for the invite was not only my expertise in this field but also that few years prior a former Sri Lankan Minster of Health, and several members of his immediate family, were greatly helped with my Digestif Reset System for a number of digestive ailments including acid issues, bloating, water retention and food allergies. Our representatives flew out to Sri Lanka to meet with the heads of various cooperatives that we growing and using Palmyra in their various products ranging from sweets, to toothpaste, beer and cosmetics. During the war, Palmyra has been used in field hospitals by both sides not only to clean wounds and prevent infections, due to it anti-microbial properties, but to help the wounds heal faster with little to no scar tissue.
We visited dozens of farms, met with hundreds of really interesting and dedicated people and got samples of Palmyra from all the places we visited and they were all brought to the lab to see how it compares to the Palmyra that comes from our wild farms. The results were quite revealing – Sri Lankan Palmyra had very high levels of B6, very high levels of B1 and B5, varying levels of B8 but no B12!! The last bit wasn’t a “shock” to me but was rather a revelation to our hosts as, it turns out, the nutritional data that was used by the Sri Lankan producers and exporters was copied from ours that was freely available on our website at the time!
Of all the countries that Palmyra grows in, so far in only two countries it is found to have bio-available B12 in it – certain parts of India and certain parts of Indonesia however, Indonesian Palmyra does appear to have lower B12 and B8 levels that the one we grow, does not appear to be alkalising, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal unlike ours. Also, no Palmyra that I came across myself, has that amazing imino-sugar Palmaryn that does this magic job in normalising blood-sugar levels in people to the extend that your body gets when you buy ours.
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