Ozempic, liver and mood

Over the past few weeks, no doubt to coincide with the holiday season, the British and international press has been busy publishing 100s of articles, replete with photos taken at various exotic locations, extoling wonders of medication called Ozempic. No article accompanying such puff pieces, installing the virtues of a new “wonder drug”, is complete without a various celebrity name or “influencer” attached to this, and so the women – it’s always the women they go after first – and men, are misled to believe that only if you start using this new drug all your weight issues will miraculously disappear and you will look and feel better and even fit into your old clothes.

In this post I would like to warn you against taking such shortcuts and advice you against taking a gamble with your life.

How Ozempic came to be:

Ozempic was created to “help” those with diabetes but, as a side-effect, it was discovered that a large proportion of the patients in the study group started to lose rather substantial amounts of body weight and the sales department of the company that created Ozempic have persuaded the company to change course and start marketing Ozempic as an effective way to lose weight.

Why is Ozempic so popular:

With the growing obesity epidemic engulfing the Western nations this message fell on the fertile ground – after all, who amongst us would like to improve their weight and look better without a bother of having to go to the gym or eating better? But, as with all things that are too good to be true, a large number of people who had foolishly started taking Ozempic had started to experience severe side-effects shortly after taking this drug: the side-effects included, but not limited to, severe hair loss, fatigue, dizziness, excessive muscle loss, suicidal thoughts, depression, liver damage, diarrhoea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal issues.

Liver health:

Personally, the most concerning aspect of Ozempic is the negative effect on liver health. Human liver is one of the most amazing organs in our ecosystem and can lose up to 75% of its function yet show nothing on common tests until it’s too late. Your liver is responsible for your skin, hair, nail and eye health and the moment any of those things start going wrong, it’s a pretty good indication that your liver may not be functioning at its optimal levels.

Your mood:

Mood is probably the most important indicator of our lives – you will have noticed that when you are in a good mood everything seems to be going well – your outlook on life is better, you are enjoying your day more than you otherwise would, your sleep is more restful. But when you are in a bad mood, all of the above things seem to go into reverse, and I would imagine that adding depression to everyday life may not necessarily lead anyone to the improvement of their mood and psychological wellbeing.

The point I am getting to here is that there are no shortcuts to health – you are either healthy or not – and the easiest, as well as most effective way of regaining and maintaining good health have always been the same – regular physical exercise, even a 20 minute walk to work in the morning and a 20 minute walk in the evening before going to bed would do wonders for your overall physical and mental health within weeks of you starting this new practice, not eating to excess, reducing your intake of ultra-processed foods, and drinking plenty of water.

Regular use of Hormony Drinks powder can help you achieve better health balance, just follow what we advise and try to maintain a daily dosage of at least 20 grams of the Hormony Drinks powder in your overall daily routine: those who follow our advice do find that their liver health improves – this is why so many of you notice improved skin health, improved hair growth, weight normalisation and better mood to name just a few. Start listening to your own body more and your intuition, instead of being swayed by paid-for publicity, and it will never steer you wrong.

watch a short animated film to see how to best incorporate Hormony Drinks powder in your daily routine by “clicking” on the highlighted link.

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