As nights are getting longer and days are getting shorter, combined with pressure of meeting year-end targets at work, some people start feeling a little bit “down” at this time of year. Leaving this issue unattended can lead to these feelings lasting for much longer than they otherwise would and they can express themselves from increased irritability to bouts of flu. Fortunately, there are few things, that have been shown to work, that you can incorporate in your daily routine to help prevent and combat these feeling that will not cost you a penny of your money.
Firstly, after you wake up, try going out for a walk – a half-a -mile to a mile walk every morning will do wonders to your metal health within days of you starting this regime. Try to incorporate some form of physical exercise – physical exercise helps your body to release endorphins as well as reduce stress hormones such as cortisol. Physical exercise also helps to improve neuroplasticity by promoting the growth of new neurons and improving connections between existing ones that results in better mental endurance and concentration levels.
Skip your morning coffee – caffeine increases a load on your adrenal glands that are responsible for cortisol regulation in your body and try stopping consumption of liquids from plastic containers.
When you come back home in the evening, instead of watching TV or browsing the internet, go for another walk – you’ sleep much better and sounder.
Try giving alcohol a miss for a few days – you’ll be amazed at how quickly and positively your body and mind will respond once you stop drinking it.
Turn off your internet router at the source before going to sleep and turn off your mobile phone and don’t have it in your bedroom while you sleep – within a week of doing this, you will experience better sleep quality during the night and enhanced vigour in the morning. For those of you who are already using your 20 to 25 grams of Hormony Drinks powder daily and wish to give your body an additional boost during these dark months, try increasing your daily dosage to between 4 to 5 tablespoons and you are highly likely to start experiencing feeling of overall calmness, increased energy levels during the day, enhanced immunity so you don’t miss work or school, and better quality of sleep. For those of you who align yourselves to my belief that all diseases start in the gut, combine Hormony Drinks with our Digestif Reset System.
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